Friday, March 18, 2011

one of those days

Some days, I wake up and find myself feeling empty. I just feel like there are some things missing from my life and that I need a small dose if them to even begin to start living my life again (okay, so maybe a little dramatic, but somewhat true).

Usually when I get this feeling I go to my closet, pull on a pair of jeans I stole from my best friend, put on a t-shirt I've had for years, followed by my brother's hoodie and my little brother's baseball hat. I put on my shoes that are so loved that they're falling apart. I find my ring that is connected to every happy thought and a bracelet that my cousin made for me.

Surrounded by every happy memory and everything familiar, I suddenly feel safe and not so empty anymore.

But I find myself turning to this outfit quite a bit.
Only thirteen more months.
I must remind myself.

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