Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's Time to Begin

When I was sixteen, a song came on my Pandora. It spoke to me. It was one of those moments where a song seems to be able to perfectly capture your emotions. It's so comforting in that moment, when you need it most.
What I didn't know is that four years later, I'd be coming home from long days and still listen to the song, finding comfort in it's words.

This past year, I have learned so much about myself. It hasn't been easy.
I have had time to analyze myself. I have recognized my habits.
I have broken a lot of bad ones.
I have formed a lot of good ones.
I'm still working on a few.
I use to play the game. I always had my eye on a boy, trying to get him to fall for me.
My brother called me a vixen, a maneater even. My mom once used the word vindictive.
Those words may be a little strong. But maybe not.
I was good at getting what I wanted. I was good at playing the game.
I liked it. I had fun. I wasn't getting hurt.
But this past year, the game hasn't seemed as fun.
I'm pretty sure if my brother saw me now-
vixen and maneater would not be his words.
He'd  probably use the words boring and sweet spirited. Maybe even shrew.
But who am I to put words in my  brother's mouth.

I sometimes try to make a connection to that self of mine. She seems to be far away.
I feel like I'm different than I use to be, but as it would turn out, I still find comfort in the same song, and that seems like enough.
And as I look at the person I've become, I like her.
She knows how to control her emotions. She's at peace with herself and others.
She's young. She's alive. She's free.
And she loves. She loves a lot.

So Independence Day has come, time has passed, and it keeps going. And that is what makes life such an adventure.
I'm pretty sure when looking at this picture, your first thought should be "coordinated".
Followed by the thought "dang attractive".

1 comment:

  1. My first thought is, "Dang, one talented photographer captured that one."

    Also, you're right. This is a dang good text. I love you, lil' ninja!
