Sunday, January 19, 2014

So Bring on the Thunder

I once was talking with my friend and she said

Lightning doesn't hit the same place twice in a row.

Now it doesn't matter if she was speaking metaphorically or what she might have been metaphorically speaking about. All that matters is that I've thought about it so much since she said it.

Growing up in Northern California, I'm not a stranger to thunder storms. But usually, when I think of lightning storms. Two very specific events come to mind. The first is the storm that was happening as I was at high school orientation for the first time. I didn't know at the time that it was going to be my last California thunderstorm. But I'm so glad that I took the time to appreciate it. The second storm I always think of is the first storm we had at Redfish. Each of these times make me think of the changes that went through after them. My move to Idaho, my intense growing experience that happened while I was as Redfish and the semester that followed it.

This friend of mine was trying to remain optimistic for me. And I appreciated it. But the metaphor was a lie. Lightning struck twice in a row and it was hard. Both times. And both times require extensive recovery. And you know what, that's okay.

The way I see it, lightning is always followed by thunder. Lightning signifies change. Once it does hit, good or bad, better or worse, things will change. So even though lightning did hit twice and yeah, it was not fun. Change is on it's way. Because if you want to dance in the rain, you're going to risk the sting of lightning. But then you'll experience the rolling beauty of thunder and the storm will rage on. And by all means, keep dancing. Keep experiencing life. Allow the lightning to come to you. Allow yourself to be hurt. To mend. Allow the progress to happen. Don't sit inside, wishing for the rain to stop. Wishing that you could walk into the sunshine without any pain.

I'm not sure if this makes much sense. I have a lot of emotions flowing through my body today. And I really like that. Because it makes me feel alive. It makes me feel like I can change. That good things are happening and better things will come. 

1 comment:

  1. Not only is the post great, but those shoes and baseball mitt are fantastic. Lefty!
