Sunday, May 15, 2011

oh bother

1. Yesterday, my best friend got married.
Then in church, we got a marriage talk.
Then at our fireside. We got another marriage talk.
I don't care, I will someday.
But I really would appreciate hearing about something new and exciting for a change.

2. I use to love weddings. But now they're stressful.

3. I should be too young to have to think about these things.

4. I hope I don't have to go to another wedding for a while.

5. As complicated as my feelings are about love and marriage and stuff. This will always be one of my favorite places in the world.


  1. They like to drill things home don't they?

  2. I wish I could put into words how much I love this post. AHHHH. I miss you darling and your blog always brings me a little bit of sunshine :)
