Saturday, May 26, 2012

"I can fit through there, you want to know why?"

I'm little.
I get it.
Ash is little, but that's what makes him fantastic. 

I don't see myself as little. This week, I have been reminded of such several times though.
And it always is a surprise.
My mom says I forget because I have such a big personality...
I don't know if that is a good thing or not.

It hits the hardest when I'm like, "oh, I'm not that short, I mean I'm taller than so-and-so."
and then a comparison is made and I am shorter or the same height as so-and-so.

But I never remember. I never see it as a defining quality.
But it kind of is.

And despite the fact that my friends think that I could pass as a 13 year old.
Even though I can't always reach things.
And various other things.

I kind of like being little.
Even though I don't always remember.


  1. Amen. We once took turns climbing into storage shelves at BYU Laundry, and I fit into some little tiny spaces.

    Also, I miss you a lot. I think you should come visit me.

  2. I esp. like the reference to fantastic mr. fox. Which really is fantastic. And you are fantastic as well.
