Friday, June 29, 2012

Born To Run

My brothers and I were pretty big into comics when we were young. There came a time when I was in middle school when we had read every Garfield book that the library had and had made a good way through the Peanuts collection. So we started branching out. Along with Dilbert and Get Fuzzy, we also got into Pearls Before Swine. It was in this final book that I found this and I've never forgotten it:

Funny, right?
Well at the time I read it, I didn't laugh.
But it lead to my brother introducing me to Bruce Springsteen's Born to Run.
And let's face it, that song makes running away sound glorious.

Like it's an adventure. Like when you run away, you discover love, you can be any one you want to be. When you run, you are free and anything and everything can happen.

And that's pretty exciting. That song just screams "LIVE YOUR LIFE" to me. Maybe not to everyone else. But to me, that's how I feel.

So recently, I picked up a book: Born to Run.
Someone once told me that it's hard to sit and read this book because all you want to do is get up and run while you're reading it.
But I feel like so far (I definitely HAVEN'T finished yet), the book as taught me a little more.
Just as the song taught me to love metaphorical running. This book has taught me to love running. Yeah, I've ran a lot in my life mostly I prefer running for soccer and frisbee. But I've done quite a bit of running to simply stay in shape. But that was it.
As I've told people, "I run so I can eat ice cream and have rockin' calves."
But this book had me asking myself if that was the real reason and if that was a good enough reason. I mean, I could just do calf raises and lift weights at the gym. I mean, that works for a lot of people. But no, I run.
So I have reevaluated my desires and my goals.
And you know what, I love running.
And I run for legitimate reasons and I love to run for even more legitimate reasons.

The book talk about a lot of other really cool things.
Like how really, as humans, we're made to run and we can.
But that is for another post. I'm sick of talking about my over-injured body.

But really, if you're going to do something, know why.

"We'll run til we drop and never go back...because tramps like us, baby, we were born to run."

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