Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I am Thankful

Thanksgiving is a beautiful meaning with a wonderful concept attached to it. Since it is now the most wonderful month of November, I'm going to find something to be grateful for each day, something small, but wonderful.

November 1: On Monday, I was grateful for Albert and his voice of reason when everyone else seemed to be telling me what things I should do, Albert told me to simply do what makes me happy.

November 2: Yesterday, I was grateful for Rachel because she made me dinner and listened to me talk. Oh, and Jamisyn, because she's always such a great friend. I love those girls.

November 3: Today may not be over yet, but today I am grateful for Autumn who wrote a post on her blog last week that I found today and loved. Today I'm grateful for the sling around my arm and the fact that it helps me heal. Today I'm grateful for the beautiful music that Pandora is playing. I'm thankful for random memories and old friends. Today I am grateful that I was late to my Writing class so I could sit next to Mallory in the back. I'm grateful that Mallory is kind of a kindred spirit to me. I'm thankful that Jessie is going to come see me tonight, just because she misses me from the last time I saw her on Monday night.

Today, I have a lot to be grateful for. I have a lot to be grateful for everyday. And we should be grateful everyday, this month, I'm going to be.

In this past week I have been so grateful for all the love and help and support I've received from the people I'm surrounded by. My shoulder is healing, but I still struggle, but I definitely would not be as well off without those who have helped me or even just care to love me. Because, I know that I can be really super difficult when I'm injured. All I know is that when I start to feel super better, I have a LOT of thank you cards to write.

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