In the third grade, I gained my extreme uncomfortableness with the whole idea of daylight savings. My teacher had us write a journal entry on the exciting event and let's just say, I didn't really understand what I was writing about. On Monday, the teacher had graded all the journal entries and she said that there was a lot of confusion and that she was going to read an example of a poor journal entry and one of a superior one. Let's just say, that was the first and only time that I was immensely ashamed of a teacher reading my work in class. And even if it was more of a bash on my writing than on my grasp of the concept. I will always blame daylight savings time on that embarrassment.
But at the same time, there are still many things I'm grateful for about saving daylight. For one, it made me a better writer. This year, it will allow me a chance to redeem myself and maybe I'll start waking up on time in the morning so I can get use to the whole 8 am class thing. I also get a whole hour more of weekend and more importantly a whole hour more of Sabbath. I love how relaxing Sundays are and the way they can rejuvenate me and prepare me for the upcoming week. So in a way, saving daylight is saving me, so I guess I'll just be happy for it.
In addition, I would just like to say that:
November 4: I was grateful for my mom who called me and was the only person I talked to during eight hours of studying.
November 5: I was grateful for Emily and laughter, and also Rachel and Jamisyn, they are wonderful to me.
November 6: Yesterday I was grateful that I got to spend a whole day with my Jeffery. I had missed him a lot and I kind of miss him already.
November 7: I'm grateful for saving daylight.
Honey, let me sing you a song-
Listen to my words as they come out wrong...
Listen to my words as they come out wrong...
Am I the Emily that you are grateful for? Just say yes cause it will make me happy and I'll never know the difference