Monday, November 15, 2010

It's just hair

So it's been a while...but, I've still been finding things to be grateful for.

November 8th: Monday was a super depressing day. But I was grateful that I got to see Mary and laugh and talk with her.

November 9th: On Tuesday, I was grateful for the sunshine after a long rainy Monday. I was grateful for the courage to stand up in what I believe in. I was grateful for freedom as I tore down a mock Berlin Wall. Oh, and I'm also grateful that I finally made cookies...nom nom nom Oh, and that I was able to help out a friend and in the process, learn more about another friend and volunteer to go on a photshoot.

November 10th: I was grateful that Dr.Howard let us out of Music Civ early. Then I was grateful that I was able to escape to Jessie's and just be.

November 11th: I was grateful for being so nervous about my physical science test that instead of going home afterward, I went to the library and actually got all of my homework done.

November 12th: I was grateful for a Brazillian boy who couldn't sleep so that I could get a job! I was grateful for the time I was able to spend with my roommates just being us. And I was grateful for Courtney who let my talk to her. A LOT. And who also took me grocery shopping.

November 13th: I was grateful for courage. For the courage to just go...and just....chop all of my hair off. Best decision I ever made.

November 14th: I was grateful for Thomas's mother who made us all dinner and that we have a Sunday dinner family. I was grateful for all the people who complimented me and for the confidence I simply just radiated. I am grateful for a job. I'm grateful for the people who are looking out for me and doing some pretty crazy things just to make sure that I can get to and from work safely. I'm grateful for the crazy hours so that I can continue working on homework and hopefully come up with a study schedule that will be benificial to me. This is all going to work out.

["oh my flippin cow"]
[[---my twin on my new hair]]

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