Thursday, February 17, 2011

close to you

for some reason I have a hard time believing some of the studies done about people. why is it that we are SO obsessed for finding reasons for everything. why is it that a person has to look at a drawing to understand how they feel. people have been thinking and feeling just fine without explanations behind anything for generations.
there's so much that we'll never know.
so much that stupid studies will never explain.

and as I say this, I believe I am putting down half of my peer's major, but really. life is so much easier for those who are not analyzing thought, but actually analyzing through thought. for I am sure each person in this world has been through enough to have a therapist.

for I am sure a therapist would love to dissect my life.

but I will not let them. by nature, I am a problem solver. there is no need for someone to tell me what's wrong and how to fix it.

and if I needed to talk to someone about something, I'd go to my friends. not a random stranger who understands me based on a few surveys and studies.
it's been a long week.
that's all.

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