Monday, January 17, 2011

the rain still makes me think of you

The sky likes to remind me that it's still there. It likes to gently change from light to dark, and sometimes, when unappreciated, or needs some love, or wants to share some love.

It give a little to the earth. Just a reminder that the sky is still there and it plays a role in our lives.

In April, a friend of mine passed away. It was a life changing experience for me. But one thing I learned after his death, is that he always loved the rain. So have I. But now, when it rains, there's a little something more behind it all. Sometimes is brings me happiness, just pure joy. Sometimes, it brings sorrow, or even frustration. And a lot of times, it just brings thoughtfulness. Yesterday, it rained. And I just thought, about life, about my friend, about what the rain means to me. I read a journal entry I wrote this summer during a rain. It ended with
"you are always with me, I hope it rains."
I may not have seen this friend, or even talked to him is years, but he changed my life by losing his.

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