Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gee, I'm Opinionated!

So in my writing class today we got into groups to exchange our opinion editorials. I gave my paper to three of my classmates and in return they gave me theirs. I know for a fact that mine isn't perfect, especially since I completely rewrote the entire thing in two hours yesterday. But as I read the papers of my fellow classmates, I realized that I'm super critical, and with some, I wondered if they had ever learned how to write.

The first one I read was titled "Cherish the Experience". It was a touching little piece about how a student could make the best of their freshmen year of college. Her arguments were that studying and classes were stressful, so she talked about having good study habits and then she talked about being more involved with "your peers". She tossed about some of her accomplishments, "sophomore class president", "student body president", "track", "basketball". It ended with a half page on how college only happens once and we need to enjoy it while we can. Presh, really. I guess I've never really been that concerned about not enjoying college because of classes.

The second one I read was titled "Energy Drinks, Good or Bad?" I'll give her fifty billion thousand bonus points on her title creativity. Hers was a very freshman year of high school organized paper. It was well written, don't get me wrong, just poorly organized. She had a lot of facts and it wasn't really, personal. I couldn't really see HER opinion, just the researchers' that she quoted. It got pretty boring by the end. And her thesis statement was like, at the end of the page. I had no idea where she was going with the next two pages until then. And we like, JUST talked about that in class. But hers was definitely the most convincing.

The last one I read, was a good laugh. It was titled "How Dancing Across Campus Can Get Easier". Just ponder that title for a while. I was not quite sure what to expect from her paper, but when I read warmed my little heart. Two words for you, country music. Yes, this paper was not about dancing in general, it was about my peer's uncomfortableness towards "rap" music at school dances. Her arguments were weak and she pretty much made it sound like the students who appreciate dancing to rap music were going to spend a long afterlife in Hell. And then the random point that was a tad irrelevant happened to be that she believed that more slow songs should be played to give dancers a break from the constant "rushed beat". She believed that people should learn how to country swing dance rather than always dancing to the same type of music. I laughed a lot. It is going to take all that is in me to not tear her writing completely apart when I edit her paper, because apparently, I have strong feelings toward it. Apparently.

Now that I have been so critical of my peer's work, I would like to admit that it is an opinion editorial, and my peers may not agree with my paper either. They may in fact, find that it is poorly written. They may not agree with my point of view on following your dreams. But we'll see. But all in all, I think that I might just be a little bit more opinionated than I thought.

[[and I just keep dreaming, not knowing if they'll ever come true]]

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