Monday, September 13, 2010

Starting Again

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl who just got so busy that she stopped writing in her blog. Now, that she's even busier and and has even more going on, she's going to start again. I'm not starting over, or making a new start, it's just that I'm starting again.

A starting again post has to be especially special. But you see, it's hard to decide what really is special.

Today a boy in my writing class informed me that he was writing his opinion editorial on people have serious addictions to music. When he said that I thought, I am definitely addicted to music. I analyze songs by listening to them over and over and over again. And when I'm not listening to music, I'm playing a musical instrument, and if I'm not doing either of those, there's a good reason.

When I asked him what is so wrong about people being addicted to music, he could not supply an answer. I have a feeling that his opinion editorial is going to be lacking in something.

As for me, I simply cannot decide what to write my opinion editorial on. I have two papers I'm writing and I just can't decide yet which I will turn in.

College life is different every day. There's always something else I could be doing no matter what I'm doing. But I've decided I'm going to make the most of it.

[[[ Some people walk in the RAIN. Others just get WET ]]]

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